


On February 28, 2025, a regular thematic strategic session was held, dedicated to climate-oriented agriculture, in particular, climate change mitigation and adaptation, irrigation and water supply, circular bioeconomy, bioenergy, and reduction of food waste and losses.

The event was conducted in accordance with the Operational Action Plan approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 15, 2024, No. 1163-r, and was aimed at analyzing and detailing the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the  Agriculture and Rural Development  in Ukraine for the period up to 2030.

Representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the State Agency of Water Resources, the State Agency of Melioration and Fisheries, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as representatives of a number of associations, research institutions and projects IPRSA and APD, participated in the session.

Olga Zhovtonog (Director of NGO "Primavera), Vitalii Polishchuk (expert of NGO "Primavera", Deputy Head of the Irrigation Department of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS) and Tetiana Matiash (expert of NGO "Primavera", Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Innovation Marketing of IWPLR NAAS) actively joined the work of the thematic session, where group work was conducted to develop a detailed draft Action Plan for the implementation of precision and drip irrigation, advanced water management systems, as well as measures on circular bioeconomy, bioenergy, and reduction of food waste and losses.

Participants of the working groups discussed the timing of the measures, necessary changes to existing regulations and the development of new ones, the involvement of human resources, the necessary financial resources, sources of funding, and the distribution of responsibilities for the implementation of measures among the relevant central executive authorities.

The event concluded with a presentation and discussion of the results of strategic planning and summarizing the outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  • Discussion of issues related to the irrigation
  • Consideration of measures on circular bioeconomy and bioenergy
  • Analysis of necessary changes to regulations
  • Discussion of financing and distribution of responsibilities

This strategic session was an important step in the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Ukraine, aimed at sustainable development and adaptation to climate change


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