Trainings and seminars

Development and implementation of a training course on water  management sector in Ukraine for IFC staff in Kyiv

Wageningen University BOCI project “Capacity building for the organisation and sustainable functioning of a Knowledge Centre on Water for Food and Ecosystem, in the frame of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine”

2010   FAO TCP short project on organisation and implementation of local workshops on with the ‘sketch match’ methodology of the Netherlands, for rural development plans for two pilot areas - boards and water management organisations in Crimea

2009 Organisation of Round Table on Rural Development in Kiev

The NGO works as well in small paid assignments from/for agroholdings, advising about a.o. diversification, bio-energy

2007-2008  LOGO East program: Twinning projects between Dutch water partners

2005 Organisation of the national workshop on introduction of integrated approaches on “Water management for food and ecosystems”