“Pre-feasibility and Roadmap development for a Masterplan in a Tisza sub-basin in Carpatia (Ukraine)”, project supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Experts Platform “Public Water Initiative of Ukraine”, launched by NGO Primavera, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS and PO “Women Water Partnership UA»
"Development of capacity for the creation of WUO for water resources management for sustainable agricultural production in the Volyn region", PSD-project implemented under the support of the Government of the Netherlands (RVO)
“Market Analysis for Rebuilding and Modernization of on–farm Irrigation in Ukraine”, project with the support of the international Technical Assistance Program 'Technical Assistance to support the implementation of the Ukraine Agri-Food Value Chain’ financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB, NIRAS)
"Development of the concept of communal land resources management for the territorial community", implementation of the tasks of the Expert Dialogue on Land Issues of the bilateral project "German-Ukrainian Agro-Political Dialogue"
“Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA) of private and community water and irrigation and drainage infrastructure at local level’, WB project
"Project plan for the rehabilitation and improvement of the agricultural water system in Ukraine", project implemented under the support of the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)