


On July 5, the Primavera team took part in the planned HORIZON-WIDERA Twinning Bottom-Up meeting, which was held online, as the NGO will be the partners of the initiated project. The main goal of the future project is to strengthen the research and innovation capacities of the key research and education institutions in Ukraine on water management issues to contribute to the Water sector renovation of Ukraine via networking and cooperation with the relevant leading Water R&I institutions in Europe and to develop a profile of the organizations and their staff. 

Twinning actions will be focused on specifically, four major needs identified among selected research management and administrative staff at the coordinating institute and partners in Ukraine: rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems, including restoration of natural resources, and integrated water resources management; transformation of agriculture on the principles of the Green deal; the technical engineering components of regulation; water for nature and floods risk management; good governance.

The future project consortium members are the Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE), Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE), Southern Denmark University (SDU), Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation (IWPLR) and the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE).

During the meeting scope of work was discussed. The project implementation will be organized into four work packages: WP1 – project management: WP2 -capacity building: WP3 - creation of Join R&I Management and Administrative centre; WP4 - formulation and implementation of joint research project.

It was agreed that weekly working meetings will be organized to present achieved progress in project proposal preparation and to discuss further necessary steps of activities.

The deadline for submission of project proposals is September 28, 2023.

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