


Project plan for the rehabilitation and improvement of the agricultural water system in Ukraine 

lnception phase

1) Broad policy, legislation and stakeholders analysis in relationship with the National Renovation Plan and (first) results of damage and need assessment in water sector that are under development now by the World Bank, Ukrainian authorities, knowledge institutions and NGOs; analysis of relevant RVO funding instruments and determination of requirements for eligibility for these instruments; it ís important to focus this analysis on organisations and parties that can be part of any projects identified.

 Analysis phase

2)Zoning of Ukrainian territories on damages and needs for irrigation and drainage systems renovation and modernization to provide sustainable agricultural water systems, specifically aimed at responsible management of surface water taking into account differences in agri-environmental conditions, water and land management practices, war impacts and level of damage and future challenges.

3) Analysis of the available data for damage and needs assessment in irrigation and drainage sector on the local community and on-farm levels.

Elaboration phase

4) Develop a matrix to confront existing formulated needs in Ukrainian water for agriculture sector with available policy advising capacities, knowledge on technologies and hardware in water for food sector of NWp member organizations, other organisations in the Netherlands water sector and Ukrainian organisations; NWP through its existing communication channels will add a pull element to this by going into the Dutch water network, explain the context and ask which companies have an identified interest for Ukraine post-war support; in this way we can secure the interest of the Dutch top-market suppliers for the Ukrainian market.

5) Based on the above: to determine a list of projects which comply with LNV's requirements such as listed in paragraph 2, discuss these with potentially interested stakeholders and report on the activities under these projects

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