On February 28, 2024, at the Lutsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, experts from the NGO "Primavera" presented the results of the project "Development of capacity for the creation of WUO for water resources management for sustainable agricultural production in the Volyn region". The project implementation process was periodically covered in the news on our website.
At the last final seminar of the project, the participants discussed directions for improving the existing legislation for the implementation of the appropriate WUO model and the list of the necessary regulatory and legal framework for its sustainable functioning. According to the results of the discussion, the final Roadmap for the formation of the WUO on the pilot Krychevychivska drainage system of the Kolodyazhnenska Territorial Community was approved to ensure sustainable water regulation in rural areas for agricultural production, flood protection and conservation of water resources in the territory of the community and the surrounding area.
In addition, during the meeting the participants discussed proposals regarding the content of the training programs for the capacity building of the WUO and developing the agricultural and natural potential of rural areas in Volyn region, as well as the continuing cooperation with Dutch organizations in this direction.
Local experts of the NGO Primavera and experts from the Netherlands conducted thematic training in an online format. In particular, Dutch experts presented the international experience of best practices in integrated water resources management for agricultural production and preservation of the natural environment, including biodiversity.
In total, more than 40 participants took part in the events. After the seminar, the experts of the NGO Primavera held a meeting with the representatives of the Regional Office of Water Resources in the Volyn region and local stakeholders to discuss further actions regarding the implementation of the roadmap for the formation of WUO in the pilot area and the preparation of a proposal for further cooperation with Dutch organizations.