ANNOUNCEMENT: On February 28, 2024, the NGO "Primavera" will hold a final seminar to present the results of the project «Development of capacity for the creation of WUO for water resources management for sustainable agricultural production in the Volyn region» The project was implemented with the support of the Dutch government.
The obgectives of the seminar are to present the results of the implementation of the project in the pilot area of the Kolodyazhnenska territorial community in the served area of the Krychevychivska reclamation system and to discuss the road map for the formation and development of WUO capacity for the operation and maintance of multi-functional dual-regulation drainage systems in the Volyn region, as well as to attract investments in its modernization.
In addition, the seminar provides for online training with the participation of Dutch experts and stakeholders at different levels.
Representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the State Agency for Water Resources, the State Agency for Land Reclamation Development, Fisheries and Food Programmes, the USAID project, the Volyn Regional State Administration, the Regional Office of Water Resources in the Volyn Region, public and scientific organizations were invited to participate in the events. From the pilot area, the management of the local TC and communal enterprises, experts of the TC on land issues and ecology, representatives of large farms, farmers and owners of shares that use land within the scope of the drainage system, representatives of the forest industry, local NGOs and activists were invited.
The results of the project, namely the presentations of seminars and trainings, an interactive map of the pilot area of the project, are listed in the files and on the links:
Методи моніторингу та управління водними ресурсами
Управління водним режимом грунту на системах подвійного регулювання
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